Blog Post Culture
test What if corporations, NGOs and governments could help each other become more innovative to solve business, economic, social and environmental problems together? Future Sessions ( and ecloo have co-created this offer to help people and organizations collaborate across sectors to solve their most pressing problems in order to have a positive impact at all levels: individuals, organizations and society.
If you had the choice, would you work with this group of people again?
What is good collaboration? And why do you collaborate? A simple way of finding out is asking yourself the following question: If you had a choice, would you work with this group of people again on a new project and why? The question directly addresses the heart of successful and sustainable collaboration and human relations in organizations. Collaboration depends on many factors but often the starting point is a shared vision which in the visual below is symbolized by the white circle around which a group of people is working together engaged and inspired. Creating together rather than imposing from the top or respecting differences are additional elements leading to a culture of collaboration:
Recent Posts
- How much Femininity does ABB need? Inquiry into Collaborative Practices in a Global Industrial Company
- The Practice of Collaboration 5: Facing our biases and walking towards them
- Building Trust through Collaboration: Police, Immigrants and Political Activists
- Beyond Charity: Refugees, Migrants and Entrepreneurship
- The Practice of Collaboration 4: Cooking as Collaboration